How To Get Bigger Shoulders

Looking to achieve broader, more defined shoulders? Dive into our comprehensive guide on "How To Get Bigger Shoulders" and unlock the secrets to building powerful deltoids. Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or you're an experienced gym-goer, our expert-recommended exercises are tailored to help you gain that coveted V-shape. 🏋️‍♀️

In this guide, you'll discover:

 ✅ The pivotal role of shoulder workouts in enhancing upper body aesthetics and strength.

 ✅ Must-try exercises that specifically target and activate your shoulder muscles.

 ✅ Proven strategies and techniques to amplify the results of your shoulder workouts.

 ✅ Pitfalls and errors to sidestep when engaging in shoulder exercises.

 ✅ The importance of warming up and cooling down to ensure a safe and effective workout session.

So, whether you're lifting at home or hitting the gym, it's time to prioritize your shoulder training and transform your upper body. Let's get those shoulders broad and sculpted! 💪


Don't skip the warm-up! Before or after training your 💪 shoulders, it's crucial to prioritize stretching and cardio exercises. Stretching helps increase flexibility, preventing injuries and enhancing muscle performance. 🤸‍♂️ Cardio exercises get your heart pumping, increasing blood flow to the muscles and preparing them for the workout ahead.

Try incorporating these warm-up exercises for your shoulders:

 - Arm circles: Rotate your arms in small and large circles to loosen up the shoulder joints.

 - Shoulder rolls: Roll your shoulders forward and backward to release tension and improve mobility.

Compound Movements

Compound movements are a key aspect of any effective training routine, especially when it comes to targeting the shoulders. These dynamic exercises engage multiple muscles simultaneously, providing a more efficient and effective workout. Discover the science behind compound movements and unlock the potential for incredible shoulder gains.


The rep and set range for compound exercises can vary based on your goals. Here's a general guideline:


Hypertrophy (Muscle Size) Building:

Reps: 6-12:

Sets: 3-5:

Rest: 1-2 minutes between sets

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press is an effective exercise that targets the deltoid muscles, improving shoulder strength and stability. Incorporating this exercise into your workout routine can enhance overall upper body strength and help prevent shoulder injuries.


1️⃣Stand up straight, with your feet shoulder width apart. With a dumbbell in each arm, hold the dumbbells at shoulder level with palms facing forward. This is your starting position.

2️⃣Push the dumbbells upward until your arms are fully extended.

3️⃣After a brief pause, return to the starting position.

4️⃣Repeat for as many repetitions as required.


Don't swing or bounce your body when performing this exercise.

Perform the reps slowly and in a controlled manner.

Smith Machine Upright Row

The Smith Machine Upright Row exercise is a compound movement that targets the deltoid muscles and helps improve shoulder stability. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can enhance upper body strength and promote balanced muscle development.


1️⃣Stand up straight, holding a smith machine barbell in your arms with an overhand grip and your palms facing backward. Your hands should be shoulder width apart on the barbell. This is your starting position.

2️⃣Using the sides of your shoulders to lift, raise the bar directly up to the level of your shoulders, keeping it close to your body and raising your elbows out to the side.

3️⃣After a brief pause, slowly lower the bar and return to the starting position.

4️⃣Repeat for as many repetitions as required.


Make sure your elbows are always higher than your forearms, the elbows should be driving the motion.

Keep the body fixed throughout the set, don't lean forward or backward.

Perform the reps slowly and in a controlled manner.

Isolation Movements

Isolation exercises play a crucial role in refining and sculpting specific muscle groups, particularly when honing in on the shoulders. These targeted exercises focus on a single muscle, allowing for precise development and definition. Dive into the mechanics of isolation movements and unleash the power to achieve unparalleled shoulder definition.


The rep and set range for isolation exercises can vary based on your goals. Here's a general guideline:


Endurance Building:

Reps: 12-20 (or more)

Sets: 2-4:

Rest: 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets

Cable Rear Delt Flyes

Cable Rear Delt Flyes exercise is a highly effective workout for targeting and strengthening the posterior deltoid muscles, improving overall shoulder stability and posture. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can help enhance athletic performance and reduce the risk of shoulder injuries.


1️⃣Set the same weight on each side of the cable machine. Adjust the position of each pulley to the highest point.

2️⃣Stand in the middle of the cable machine holding the cables on each side. Hold the left cable with your right hand and the right cable with your left hand. Your hands should be crossed over. This is your starting position.

3️⃣Move your arms out and backward to initiate the movement until your arms are parallel with your body. Focus on contracting your rear delts as you perform this movement.

4️⃣After a brief pause, slowly return to the starting position.

5️⃣Repeat for as many repetitions as required.


When returning to the starting position, return the weight to just above its resting point to keep tension throughout the exercise.

Perform the reps slowly and in a controlled manner.

Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises

Did you know that Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises are an effective exercise for targeting the posterior deltoids, helping to improve shoulder stability and posture? Incorporating this exercise into your workout routine can enhance your overall upper body strength and prevent shoulder injuries.


1️⃣Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing into the front of your thighs. Lean forward at your hips and bend your knees keeping your back straight. This is your starting position.

2️⃣Keeping your elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells up and to the side focusing on contracting the back of the shoulders. Raise the dumbbells until your arms are parallel to the floor.

3️⃣Pause for a moment at the top of the motion then slowly return to the starting position.

4️⃣Repeat for as many repetitions as required.


Don't swing or bounce your body when performing this exercise.

Keep your back straight as you raise the dumbbells.

Perform the reps slowly and in a controlled manner.

Reverse Machine Flyes

Reverse Machine Flyes is a highly effective exercise for targeting the rear deltoid muscles, helping to improve posture and shoulder stability. Incorporating Reverse Machine Flyes into your workout routine can enhance your overall upper body strength and prevent imbalances.


1️⃣Select a weight and adjust the height of the seat to suit you. Sit up straight, hold the handles and push your chest into the pad. This is your starting position.

2️⃣Begin the movement by spreading your arms apart until your arms are parallel with your torso. Focus on contracting the back of your shoulders.

3️⃣Pause for a moment then slowly return to the starting position.

4️⃣Repeat for as many repetitions as required.


When returning to the starting position, return the weight to just above its resting point to keep tension throughout the exercise.

Perform the reps slowly and in a controlled manner.

Summary of the workout

🎉 Kudos for diving deep into the world of shoulder sculpting! You're well on your way to those broader, more defined deltoids. 💪

Eager to amplify your shoulder gains? Dive into this 🔥 shoulder-enhancing routine and feel the burn! 💥 But that's not all! For step-by-step guidance and a workout regimen crafted just for you, we've got your back. 📲💯

Tap into the GymStreak app and explore a universe of workouts curated to fit your unique needs! 📱✨ Bid farewell to one-size-fits-all workouts and embrace a fitness path carved exclusively for you! 🌟

Seize this chance to supercharge your progress and mould your ideal physique. Embark on your transformative journey with GymStreak now! 🚀💥