Everything You Wanted To Know About Protein Shakes But Were Too Afraid to Ask🥤

Unlocking the world of protein shakes: your ultimate honest guide to benefits, types, and more. 🌍
The world of protein powders can be a daunting one to step into. Whether shopping online or in a brick and mortar store, seeing the endless options of giant barrel-like containers could make you question where to start and if it’s even worth it. Well you don’t need to worry any longer because we’re going to take you through the pros and cons of protein powders, giving you the honest advice and insight you’ve been looking for. 🛍️
🤔 Are protein shakes good for you?
In a word, yes. A protein shake is a great option to replace a snack between meals or for recovery after a workout session. But, like everything, protein shakes should be taken in moderation - too much of a good thing, right?
On top of that, you have to take dietary complications into consideration. Protein powders are more than just factory-made dust, they come from very simple organic sources. But some of these can disagree with your digestive system. So, let’s take a look at the four main protein types. 🌾
🐄 Whey Protein
Easily the most wide-spread and accessible, when people refer to protein powder, they are almost always referencing whey protein. When making cheese, milk separates into two sections: curds and whey. So, obviously those with lactose issues should be wary and invest in whey protein isolate, which is an alternative that is almost 100% lactose free.
🌱 Soy Protein
Entirely derived from soy beans and containing all the essential amino acids that are used for muscle growth and recovery, by repairing and growing new muscle fibers.
🌿 Pea Protein
An all-vegan, high quality source of protein that is also rich with iron. Pea protein can aid muscle growth, help with weight management and boost your heart health.
🍁 Hemp Protein
Yet another vegan friendly option that has shown to support your cardiovascular system, lower the risk of cancer, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
💪 Do I need protein powder to build muscle?
Let’s talk science before we answer this question. Protein is a nutrient that our bodies need to repair existing cells and grow new ones. And by including 30-40g of protein in your regular meal structure, you can easily meet your body’s daily quota. And by ingesting foods with higher protein levels - such as beef, lamb, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, and legumes - you can consume all your body actually needs.
But, as with most things, that all depends on your physical activity and exertion. Going above and beyond the standard level of protein is helpful for faster and smoother recovery, if you are engaging in heavy exercise on a regular basis. This is because your muscles are under rigorous stress and require more nutrients to recover.
This is why athletes, professionals, and healthcare enthusiasts opt for a convenient solution outside of consuming endless quantities of grilled fish and hard boiled eggs. 🍳
🚫 What happens if I drink protein without working out?
As we said, everything in moderation. Drinking protein shakes alone won’t make you healthyor gain muscle automatically. Protein powders and shakes are designed to help your body recover and retain the muscle mass you’ve worked so hard to sculpt. If, on the other hand, you were to drink a protein shake every day without doing the requisite physical workouts, your body would simply store the weight; leading to unwanted weight gain.
🚨 What are the side effects of protein powder?
The answer to this question varies. For many, protein powders hold very minimal negative side effects, and can be used as a daily boost to your workout and recovery routine. Conversely, those with existing dietary requirements should always investigate thoroughly and potentially consult healthcare professionals before investing in a particular protein powder.
Protein is heavily consumed by athletes the world over because of its ability to improve overall muscle strength and muscle size. But this isn’t simple addition - you can’t triple your protein consumption and assume your body will utilize every part of it. Anything over 0.73g per 1lb of body weight may not yield beneficial results. That being said, the older you get, the more your protein requirements change. So as your body requires more protein, you need to adjust your intake accordingly.
🌟 What are the major health benefits of protein powder?
Aside from the anecdotal advantages, there are certain areas where protein powders have significant health benefits: namely Weight Management, Muscle Growth, Muscle Recovery, Additional Nutrition. This is because protein is used by the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and vital chemicals that improve our bones, skin, and muscles.
🍔 Weight Management
By eating food rich in protein, you can feel fuller for longer. This is because it takes the body a longer time to break down the fibrous qualities. This feeling of fullness means reduced snacking and smaller portion sizes, which can aid with healthy weight loss and weight optimization.
🏋️ Muscle Growth
Protein is heavily consumed by athletes the world over because of its ability to improve overall muscle strength and muscle size. But this isn’t simple addition - you can’t triple your protein consumption and assume your body will utilize every part of it. Anything over 0.73g per 1lb of body weight may not yield beneficial results. That being said, the older you get, the more your protein requirements change. So as your body requires more protein, you need to adjust your intake accordingly.
🤕 Muscle Recovery
In addition to muscle growth, the essential amino acids in protein also help repair damaged muscle tissue. Subsequently, taking protein powder can speed up muscle recovery and tenderness after exercise.
🥦 Additional Nutrition
For those struggling to reach the daily recommended amounts of protein, powders can present a decent alternative. Whether due to medical dietary restrictions or lifestyle choices (such as vegetarianism and veganism), protein powders can be a good way to balance out your diet. Similarly, if you body is subject to excessive strain, owing to an intense training regimen, there can be benefits in consuming more than the standard recommended quantities.
🍶 Do I need to invest in a good mixer or shaker bottle?
In the same way you should thoroughly investigate the protein powder that best fits your needs, you should also be investing in a reliable mixer bottle. Thankfully your options are many and there is a whole range of products available from high street stores, as well as specialist vendors.
But for the best, you need to acquire a PROMiXX. You could opt for the classic shaker bottle, that uses an agitator to create a perfectly mixed shake. Or a state-of-the-art electric shaker bottle to effortlessly mix your powders and supplements with ease. Either way, you should invest in a product that is strong, durable, immaculately designed, and created with the user’s every need in mind.