Diet Is Butter Bad for You? (Here’s What to Know About Its Cholesterol Effect) Is butter bad for you? It's saturated fat, which means it raises your "bad" cholesterol levels and, in turn, heart disease risk ... right? Hmm.
Diet Are Eggs Good or Bad for Your Cholesterol Levels? Packed with protein. Affordable. And delicious. Sounds like a dream for your muscles ... but are eggs good or bad for your cholesterol levels?
Lifestyle Social Media Addiction: Do You Have It? (and How To Cut The Craving) Social media addiction is a real thing. And if you're struggling to get things done because you want to touch your phone 24/7, read this article.
Lifestyle Sitting in a Chair for Too Long Is Bad Even if You Exercise — Here’s Why Think you're immune from the adverse health effects of prolonged sitting in a chair because you're physically active? Well, think again.
Diet 4 Health Benefits of Almonds You’ll Go Nuts Over What's your favorite nut? Never mind, it doesn't matter, because after learning of almond's benefits here, your answer will always be, "almonds".
Fitness 5 Little-Known, Non-Boring Exercise Benefits You Need to Know Exercise benefits: better physical and emotional health. But you already know that — so let's un-borify things with 5 little-mentioned benefits.
Lifestyle 3 Smart Tech Fitness Gift Ideas Haven't thought of Christmas gifts for everyone in your circle yet? Here are 3 ideas that'll satisfy even the pickiest people on the gift list.
Lifestyle How to Avoid Weight Gain over the Holidays Weight gain over the holidays: expected and normal? Yes. But it isn't unavoidable. Here are 3 tips that'll help keep those numbers under control.
Fitness Trying to Get Fit? Here Are 3 Reasons You Should Start Small Trying to get fit? Don't immediately turn to extreme measures, like a sub-1000 calorie meal plan or exercising 7x weekly. Think small instead.
Lifestyle How to Preserve or Improve Brain Health Even as You Age Your brain health doesn't have to deteriorate with age. Learn how to stay mentally sharp and focused through your golden years in this article.
Ladies Period Cravings: Are They Really a Thing? (And How to Deal) Can you blame midnight runs to the pizza joint on period cravings? Or are you just greedy? Here's the answer — plus what you can do about it.
Fitness Does Stretching Help Muscle Growth? (Yes, but Should You?) Does stretching help muscle growth? Answer: yes — although, with a few caveats you should know before committing to an intense stretch routine.
Lifestyle How Many Steps Each Day Should You Be Walking? (Fewer than You Think) How many steps each day should you be walking? 10,000? Well, how about way (like, way) lower? Find out why in this article.
Weight Loss Not Losing Weight? It Might Be Your Slow Metabolism at Fault We said you didn't have to worry about a slow metabolism. Um, we were wrong. Learn why and, more crucially, how that affects you in this article.
Lifestyle Is a Morning Routine Really All That Helpful? Having a morning routine would help you become a better and more productive version of yourself ... right? Uh-uh, *wiggles fingers* not so fast.
Motivation 3 Fitness Trends/Things We’d Text You If We Were Friends The 3 fitness trends we'd spam your phone with if we were friends. We talk about David Goggins, climbing stairs, and building big butts. Read on.
Lifestyle Natural Sleep Aid Supplements: Which Are Worth Taking? (And How to Take Them) Natural sleep aid supplements promise a good night's sleep — but not all of them work. Learn which are truly worth your money in this article.
Weight Loss How to Stop Appetite Naturally (5 Hunger Management Strategies on a Diet) Hunger can quickly derail your weight loss aspirations. But you don't have to be hungry — here's how to stop appetite naturally while on a diet.
Weight Loss Why Am I Having a Hard Time Losing Weight? (Stop Blaming Yourself) If you've ever shaken your fists at the sky and asked, "Why am I having a hard time losing weight?!" — read this article. It isn't your fault.
Lean Mass Does Building Muscle Increase Metabolism? (Let’s Put an Exact Number on It) Have we all been lied to? Does building muscle increase metabolism — and if it does, how much are we talking about, exactly? Let's find out here.
Supplements 4 Surprising Benefits of Creatine You Didn’t Know About Creatine: only good for enhancing athletic performance? Nope. Here are 4 non-sports-related creatine benefits that'll see have you going, "Wha—?"
Weight Loss Ozempic for Weight Loss: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Ozempic boasts impressive weight loss results in individuals with obesity and diabetes, but will it work the same for those who're somewhat lean?
Lifestyle 4 Cold Shower Benefits, Debunked (Don’t Waste Your Time) Cold shower benefits. Apparently, there are lots — from improved immune defences to muscle recovery. But research says: don't get your hopes up.
Diet Are Vegetable and Seed Oils Really That Bad for You? Seed oils are pro-inflammatory — and increase your risk of countless chronic conditions, from heart disease to diabetes to cancer. Is that true?
Diet Coffee: Is It Healthy? And Can It Help with Weight Loss? Coffee could increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. No, wait ... coffee is healthy. Which is it?! (Finally) get answers in this article.