5 Crucial Dietary and Lifestyle Mindset Changes That’ll Help You (Finally) See Results
What separates those who get results from those who don't? One word: mindset. Discover the 5 mindset changes you need to join the "do-ers" here.

For close to three years, we’ve gone on and on and on about how you should best train (e.g., number of exercises, number of sets, and exercise technique) and eat (e.g., how many calories, meal timing, and the “right” macronutrient ratio).
But. As we all know, knowledge doesn’t always translate into action. For example, many people who wish to …
👉 Bulk up know they should focus on protein intake and work hard in the gym, but they don’t
👉 Lower their injury risk know they should prioritize mobility work, but they don’t
Why? Or, in other words, what separates those who do and those who don’t?
Barring socioeconomic status factors (which undeniably play a role — and we’re not downplaying its importance), it’s this: mindset.
What kind of mindset, though? You'll find out in just a bit. Because below, we cover the 5 crucial mindset changes anyone needs to make to join the "do-ers".
#1: Stop expecting “overnight” results
Be honest. How quickly did you expect to see results from dieting or working out? A few days or weeks?
And what happened when you realized you were still lightyears from achieving your dream physique after a month? That nothing much has changed, despite all your hard work?
Chances are, you got frustrated. And quit.
Here comes the first of your necessary mindset changes: stop expecting "overnight" (i.e., speedy) results. Your body didn't get to look the way it currently does over a few days or weeks.
Understand that losing fat and building muscle will take time — we’re talking months of consistency, day in and day out — so be patient.
#2: It’s less about what you’re eating (and more about how much you’re eating)
"I'm eating clean every single meal. So why am I not losing weight?!"
Answer: because "clean foods" still contain calories. They do not somehow, magically defy the laws of thermodynamics. You will not lose weight if you consume "clean foods" in amounts that equal or exceed your daily energy expenditure. It’s as simple as that.
Also, a piece of advice: stop thinking of foods as “clean” and “unclean”.
This honestly isn’t helpful at all — and potentially paves the way toward an unhealthy, disordered relationship with food.
Instead, know that:
2️⃣ While certain foods will be more calorie-dense than others, that doesn't mean you should eliminate them. When consuming them, consider the following:
✨ How it fits into your calorie “budget”
✨ Whether it contains health-beneficial micronutrients
✨ If it should be something enjoyed in moderation
If you’re looking for more nutrition help:

#3: You don’t have to be perfect to see results
Is there a point in you:
- Prioritizing your fruit and vegetable intake over ultra-processed foods … if you’re not counting every single calorie?
- Going to the gym … if you can only do it once a week?
- Taking daily walks … if that’s the only form of cardio that fits into your schedule?
Yes. Yes. And yes. Don’t let your pursuit of “perfect” prevent you from taking any action at all — every tiny thing you do adds up.
Remember this: doing 70% right 100% of the time is better than trying to do 100% right but only achieving it 70% of the time (and then rage-quitting because you "just can't get it right").
#4: Fitness is not a destination; it’s a way of life
There is no “end state” for your fitness journey.
Meaning? If you've successfully achieved your dream physique, you must keep doing whatever it is you're doing to keep it. For life. This, in turn, highlights why it's important to pick sustainable habits.
Regardless of which strategy you pick to reach your fitness goals, always ask yourself: can I do this for life?
#5: Stop focusing on what you can’t control — and control what you can
Just as in life, certain things are out of your control in your fitness journey. And your genetics is a huge part of it.
Yes, it’s true that:
- For some people, genes account for just 25% of the predisposition to be overweight, while for others, the genetic influence can get as high as 70% to 80%
- Some people, due to genetics and hormonal reasons, build more muscle (and faster) than others
But does it matter? You may think it does, but, in truth, one of the most crucial mindset changes you need to make is to realize it doesn’t.
Because 1) you cannot do anything about your genetics, and 2) there’s plenty of evidence suggesting that your lifestyle can modulate (or even change) the effects of your genes.
Takeaway? Control what you can.
If you’re trying to lose weight:
- Be mindful of your calorie intake.
- Prioritize minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods.
- Increase your physical activity levels however you can (e.g., find ways to boost your NEAT levels).
If you’re trying to build muscle:
- Focus on your protein intake.
- Hit the optimal training volume for every muscle group.
- Include a variety of exercises.
- Go close to failure.
- Optimize your recovery.
… the same basic principles apply to all, regardless of genetics. Sure, you may have to work “harder” than someone who drew the longer end of the genetics stick — but, once again, it doesn’t justify a lack of effort on your part.
These mindset changes will transform your fitness journey
So, there you go.
Those are the five mindset changes that'll genuinely make a difference in your fitness journey. (Only if you remind yourself of them daily, of course.)
And … now that we've sorted your mindset, it's time to look at your training. Are you doing it right? Because if you aren't, we know of something you'll find massively helpful *wiggles eyebrows*.
We're talking about tailored training programs. Automatic progressive overload. Workout logging — so you can track your progress.
See what we’re talking about here:
This Way To Tailored, Done-For-You Workout Plans
We'll guide you through it all — step-by-step. Just download the app, and, with your new mindset, you'll be making progress toward your dream body like never before.
Gharahdaghi, N., Phillips, B. E., Szewczyk, N. J., Smith, K., Wilkinson, D. J., & Atherton, P. J. (2021). Links Between Testosterone, Oestrogen, and the Growth Hormone/Insulin-Like Growth Factor Axis and Resistance Exercise Muscle Adaptations. Frontiers in Physiology, 11, 621226. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2020.621226
Riveros-McKay, F., Mistry, V., Bounds, R., Hendricks, A., Keogh, J. M., Thomas, H., Henning, E., Corbin, L. J., Group, U. S. S., O’Rahilly, S., Zeggini, E., Wheeler, E., Barroso, I., & Farooqi, I. S. (2019). Genetic architecture of human thinness compared to severe obesity. PLOS Genetics, 15(1), e1007603. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1007603